Diagrams such as flowcharts can represent programs. Programming languages can be represented by context free grammars. But it is not obvious if diagrams can be generated from formal languages. This sections outlines the formal methods used to describe diagrams.

2.3.1. H-graphs

H-graphs are graphs whose nodes can be other graphs. This construction implicitly underlies most visual programming languages. H-graphs are discussed in Pratt (1971b, 1973).

The components of an H-graph are atoms, nodes, and graphs. We use A and N to signify the universe of possible atoms and nodes.

In other words, the value of a node is an atom or another graph. This allows for a hierarchy of graphs.

Pratt also defines sub and rooted H-graphs, and defines a selector and arc traversal function. Rooted H-graphs are used to model arrays, records, sets, simple variables, lists, etc. Nodes represent storage locations, and the root is the point of access to the whole structure. The value function is the accessing mechanism. Atoms represent primitive values such as numbers and characters.

Pratt (1971a) outlines a method for converting programs back and forth into flowcharts:

Figure 2.33. Flow chart and language equivalence. From Pratt (1971a).

He points out that compilers and programming language semantics both rely on building a representation more structured than strings. He notes the similarity between H-graphs and Web Grammars (Pfaltz 1969).

Pratt accomplishes the conversion between programs and flowcharts by manipulating graph languages. A graph language is a set of directed graphs with labeled nodes and arcs. A graph grammar generates a language of terminal graphs from a single non-terminal node. Each rewriting rule specifies a way of rewriting a node with a nonterminal value. A node can be replaced by a graph. This is done by replacing the incoming edge with an edge leading to the replacing graph, and replacing the outgoing edge of the node with the outgoing edge of the graph. This restricts the grammar rule to having a single input and output node. Stotts (1988) has extended the H-graph model to a visual parallel programming language.

2.3.2. Picture Layout grammars

Golin (1989) points out that programs are usually developed free-form in text editors. He recommends that visual programs should be developed free form in graphics editors. In order to do this, we need visual language grammars and compilers. He calls the grammars picture layout grammars. Golin bases his structure on a grammar model of his own invention he calls an attributed multiset grammar. The right side of a multiset grammar is seen as being an unordered collection rather than a sequence. Each grammar symbol has associated with it a rectangular extent or two endpoints. Production operators include

A parser, given a picture created with a graphic editor, can recover the underlying structure of the picture using the picture layout grammar.

2.3.3. Generating Trees and Graphs

Syntactic pattern recognition is a field of study that tries to recognize patterns in images by using formal language techniques. In most cases, these techniques are meant to be applied to data from scanned images, rather than to the already computer-generated images of visual programming. However, the work is often cited in the visual programming literature, and is useful in discussing the difference between textual and visual representation.

Context-free grammars can be used to generate images if some terminals are assumed to be line segments, and operators are assumed to be ways of joining the line segments. Then a string such as ((a + b) * c) can define three segments joined in a certain way, say into a triangle. This is the technique used in Shaw's picture description language (1969).

Figure 2.34. Circuit diagram from a grammar. In Gonzalez (1978).

The above figure can be generated from the string aab, if an a generates a capacitor and a b generates a resistor.

Figure 2.35. Chromosome from a grammar. In Gonzalez (1978).

A string can be used to generate curvilinear figures, as in the above chromosome, from the string babcbabdacad. But the generation of a real graph is much more difficult with this method:

Figure 2.36. Complete 4 node graph. In Gonzalez (1978).

This provokes the thought that textual representation works well with trees, but badly with graphs. We will return to this question in chapter 7.

All of the above grammars are described in Gonzalez (1978); web grammars were first defined in Pfaltz (1970). The work of Fu and his students has dealt with many different ways of representing images, including the grammars described above (Fu 1984).

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